Questioning the Syllabus

Marcellus C. Taylor
2 min readAug 18, 2021

We are just days away from colleges and universities opening their respective campuses to students at various stages of their academic journey . From the poised first year student to the overwhelmed graduate student who has heard their family ask the daunting question all summer long , “ when will you be finished ? , we are back to residential learning ! Majority of the course syllabi are uploaded to their respective course management system and thousands of instructors have sent out a “ welcome to this course” email ( if you are an instructor you should send a welcome note to ease possible fears and connect with your scholars prior to the first class meeting ) .

Within these syllabi there will inevitably be countless of readings , course assignments and other projects that support the aims and scope of the course . I am interested in how these course syllabi can be used as tools for equity and inclusion . Here are a few questions that I am considering and I invite you to join me in this inquiry .

  1. Are the assigned reading from diverse voices and perspectives ?
  2. Are the case studies being used in class drawn from the well of stereotypes of minoritized folks ?
  3. Are the course projects framed from a place of cultural appreciation and understanding ?
  4. Are the guest speakers for the course from minoritized communities ?
  5. In what ways does the syllabus minimize stereotype threat ?

There are just some of my internal questions , I encourage every instructor to review their syllabus/syllabi to make sure it contributes to equity and inclusion .



Marcellus C. Taylor

Dr. Marcellus C. Taylor is a Co-Founder and CEO of Blossburg & Cedar LLC , a leadership and learning consultancy firm based in Harrisburg, PA.